About us

Our company

Vini E Aromi: Where Passion for Wine and Coffee Blends with Family Values

In the world of fine wines and exquisite coffee, there's a hidden gem known as Vini E Aromi, a family-

run business that has taken the art of winemaking and coffee to new heights. Founded by the dynamic

duo of Darren and Doris Scicluna, this venture is a beautiful fusion of shared passion and deep-rooted

family traditions.

At the heart of Vini E Aromi lies a genuine love for wine and coffee. Darren and Doris Scicluna have

transformed their passion into a thriving family business, offering a unique experience to their

customers. For them, this journey began with a simple idea - to do what they loved the most.

Doris, with her upbringing in the enchanting vineyard fields, was instilled with a deep appreciation for

the art of winemaking from an early age. Her father's vineyards became her playground, and the

knowledge passed down through generations became an integral part of her identity. It's no surprise

that her heart found its way into the world of wines.

But Vini E Aromi is not just about wine. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans also occupies a

special place in their hearts. As sole distributors of Lollo Cafe, a renowned Napolitan brand, we bring

you an exquisite coffee experience that's steeped in tradition. With a legacy dating back generations,

Lollo Cafe has mastered the art of selecting the finest coffee beans, roasting them to perfection, and

delivering a cup of coffee that's rich, aromatic, and unforgettable.

Two Halves of a Perfect Blend:

In every successful partnership, there's often one who brings the ideas to life, and in the case of Vini E

Aromi, that's Darren. He is the brains and the mechanism of the business, ensuring that everything

runs smoothly. His dedication and ingenuity have played a crucial role in the growth and success of

Vini E Aromi.

A Unique Experience:

Vini E Aromi is not just a business; it's an experience. Their wines are a reflection of Sicilian terroir and

tradition, Our collection of wines transports you to the sun-kissed vineyards of Puglia and the historic

terroirs of Sicily. We are dedicated to offering you the very best, which is why we've partnered with

prestigious wineries that have stood the test of time.

Rudini Winery: With roots dating back to the 1900s, Rudini Winery epitomizes the essence of Sicilian

winemaking. Located in the heart of Pachino, Rudini has mastered the art of producing wines that

beautifully capture the spirit of the region. Their commitment to tradition and excellence is evident in

every bottle, making them a name you can trust.

Conte Spagnioletti Winery: Operating for over a century, Conte Spagnioletti is synonymous with quality

from Puglia. Their dedication to preserving the integrity of their land and the authenticity of their

wines shines through in every vintage. When you sip a Conte Spagnioletti wine, you're savoring a piece

of Puglian history.

Your Journey with Vini E Aromi:

At Vini E Aromi, we're not just purveyors of wine and coffee; we're curators of experiences. Whether

you're indulging in the velvety notes of a Rudini wine, sipping the bold richness of Conte Spagnioletti,

or savoring the robust flavors of Lollo Cafe, you're embarking on a sensory journey through the rich

tapestry of Italian craftsmanship.

Our commitment to quality, tradition, and customer satisfaction sets us apart. We invite you to explore

our carefully selected offerings, each bearing the mark of excellence and the warmth of family values.

In choosing Vini E Aromi, you're choosing more than just products; you're choosing a connection to

the timeless traditions and passions that define Italy's rich cultural heritage. Welcome to a world where

every sip is a celebration of the finer things in life, crafted with love and shared with joy.